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Casa de cultura y Escuela de música en Nacajuca

Casa de cultura y Escuela de música en Nacajuca

Nombre del proyecto

  • Casa de Cultura y Escuela de Música


  • Colectivo C733 (Eric Valdez, Carlos Facio, Israel Espín, Gabriela Carrillo, José Amozurrutia).


  • 1600 m2 construidos | 3,000 m2 total predio


  • Nacajuca, Tabasco, México


  • Onnis Luque | Yoshihiro Koitani


  • 2021

La música y los festejos juegan un papel fundamental en la vida cotidiana de Nacajuca, tanto en la danza del pochó de arraigo mesoamericano, como en las manifestaciones contemporáneas. El proyecto reutiliza la cimentación del edificio pre-existente y brinda un espacio digno para los encuentros sociales del pueblo.

En espejo, y conformando una rambla pública, la nueva Escuela de Música voltea hacia un arroyo lastimosamente sucio. Es el primer edificio del poblado en arrojar agua limpia a los ríos, a través de un sistema que culmina con una serie de humedales de tratamiento.

Se construyeron espacios amplios y bien ventilados, con madera local de coco, tabique y teja de barro, para aportar calidez, frescura natural y buena acústica.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.

Copyrighted by Yoshihiro Koitani. At no time may the images be given, transferred, sold or licensed to any third parties without a separate usage agreement with Yoshihiro Koitani. The images created for this job are, and remain, the copyright protected property of Yoshihiro Koitani.