On Specific Ambiguity through the idea of tropical space or the reasoned practicity of transitional forms

On Specific Ambiguity through the idea of tropical space or the reasoned practicity of transitional forms

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Editor: Arquine
Textos: Camilo Restrepo Ochoa, Juliana Gallego Martínez, Mark Lee
Cubierta: Pasta Dura
Tamaño: 16 X 24 cm
Páginas: 368
Edición: Español & Inglés
ISBN: 9786079489922

Paradoxically, the architecture in the Tropics is a mountain of absent evidence, ideas without a manifesto, conversations without a text, experiences without a record. It comes from an obsession with identity, present everywhere but frequently ignored. The manifesto is the sum of different interpretations of the past related to a diffuse prensent. It aims to give an idea about what tropical space is, its possible origins, and consequences, to built a definition, a restructured gaze on the architecture with a tropical thought establishes intermediate conditions, wich do not attend to the dichotomy or dualisms. It is a thought that accepts contradiction and ambiguity, as a space, as an attitude: Specific Ambiguity as a double way of thinking and creating an ambivalent, complex and contradictory, imprecise, mestizo, and multi-referential architecture. This concept is exemplified throught a selection of works by AGENda, most of them located in Medellin and Mexico.

Categoría: Monográficos
Etiquetas: AGENdA Agencia de Arquitectura, Camilo Restrepo Ochoa

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